Monday, December 8, 2008

Judean ad

Stephen Flurry's response to Judean Voice ad

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[Click on the ad to enlarge it]

It grieves me to report for the record, for the sake of the Church of God history, that too often politics has impeded the progress of the Work of God. The following is typical of the attitude I encountered when I shared my dreams for God's Church to reach out to Judah, informing them (the Philadelphia Church of God) of what I was doing:

Judean Voice Ad [The Judean Voice was a strong Jewish magazine read throughout New York City and Israel that taught the plain truth of the Torah as shared by former Israeli parliament member and rabbi, Meir Kahane]

Too bad the Church of God doesn't follow Mr. Armstrong's example and run FULL PAGE ADS in newspapers. If God's Church really wants to reach the general public they would run such ads that would generate attention and controversy. I'm doing what I can to reach "the cities of Judah" (Isa. 40:9) by blowing "the trumpet of Zion" and sounding "an alarm in [God's] holy mountain" (Joel 2:1), letting God's warning roar (Joel 3:16).

(Thursday, March 1, 2001)

Stephen Flurry promptly responded:

Too bad you don't follow Mr. Armstrong's example of submitting to God's government and growing within the body of His one true Church. Are you trying to say that by putting a FULL PAGE ad in the "Judean Voice," you are following in Mr. Armstrong's steps - that you are the one generating attention and controversy? Please.

My response:

Shalom Stephen,

What I said was I am DOING what I can to reach Judah with what I have, too bad God's Church didn't stop playing Church and only preaching to a converted audience and step out from behind the podium and GO TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. You've miserably failed to do that with all of your many resources.

Did Mr. Armstrong submit to those politicking in Sardis? [Church of God, Seventh Day] NO. Will I submit to the likes of Herr Leap who would have me obey men over God? Who would forbid me from doing all that I can for God? (Luke 9:50). NO. It's too bad the PCG [Philadelphia Church of God] has failed to apply MM (Malachi's Message) to themselves and quit looking to men to save them. It's too bad that too many have failed to learn that is IS following GOD'S GOVERNMENT when we refuse to obey men when it means disobeying God.

I've continued to grow, by God's grace, as a member of HIS Church (I wasn't baptized into any sect or denomination of men, remember?). I'm not a Catholic who thinks salvation is impossible outside of the Church hierarchy/religious establishment.

All that being said, I still feel that the PCG has more truth than any of the other splinter groups (like Mr. Armstrong felt about Sardis), but is not rich and in need of nothing (like some vainly imagine). That's why I still direct people and attention to the Philadelphia Trumpet [magazine] that many may glean what God will grant them. May God bless the PCG and every individual to continually grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (not any man).

David Ben-Ariel


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